
グローバルスタディーズ専攻 ゼミ一覧

小林・ハッサル 柔子 ゼミ

Exploring global modern and contemporary history with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region.

The objective of this seminar is to offer an in-depth exploration of global modern and contemporary history, with a special focus on the Asia-Pacific region. As a region of growing global importance in the 21st century, the region's historical developments will be examined in relation to their broader impact on world affairs.
The seminar is structured around three primary axes of inquiry:
  1.  Weekly Engagement with Historical Literature: Each week, students will critically engage with key texts pertaining to histories of the Asia-Pacific region, write a summary of weekly readings, and during seminar sessions conduct rigorous scholarly discussions based on those summaries.
  2. Development of Research Questions: Through these readings and seminar discussions, students will identify potential topics for their undergraduate theses, formulating research questions that address significant historical issues within the Asia-Pacific context.
  3. Thesis Composition: Building on the foundation of their research questions, students will proceed to develop and write their undergraduate theses, applying historical methodologies to address the problems they have identified.


中村詩のぶ ゼミ

Communication Studies Seminar

We focus on learning the topics related to intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, and intercultural communication. In the past, we investigated the roles of verbal and nonverbal language in our society, how our identity affects our communication, and how AI can support people with communicaiton disability. If you are interested in exploring these topics, join us!


新田万里江 ゼミ

Race, Gender, and Sexuality

This seminar welcomes students who wish to explore the issues of race, gender, and sexuality from global and transnational perspectives. Using research methods of American cultural studies and oral history, students will deepen their understanding of the dynamics and transformation of cultural identities of others and self. For more information, see ゼミブログ 


エディー・ハーン ゼミ

Politics and International Relations

This seminar examines international relations and foreign policy. The seminar will prepare students to conduct independent research using a social scientific approach that emphasizes the systematic study of politics. Students will be introduced to positivist research methods including theory building and hypothesis testing as well as acquire skills to analyze quantitative data.


ジェイソン ・ ホロウェル ゼミ

Project-based study in applied linguistics

This seminar offers students the chance to explore a wide range of language acquisition and usage topics, with a focus on modern issues such as identity, hearing impairment, and the role of AI. Through this course, students will gain a deeper understanding of how language shapes and is shaped by various factors in our lives.


ブライアン・マサハート ゼミ

Project-based global relations

Thematically, this seminar will center on the SDGs with potential sub, but “grand”, themes of democracy, futures, peace, and sustainability. This seminar will be project-based requiring students to select, research, and develop an advocacy campaign on a global issue. Students of this seminar will be involved with the development, planning, and implementation of the annual SDG 17 Partnership Fair.


ポール ・ ミンフォード ゼミ

Exploring global issues through the study of literary works

Our objects of study in this seminar are literary works in English from around the world, which students learn to analyse using the techniques of literary criticism. We are interested not only in the aesthetic qualities of literary works but also in how they engage with topics of global concern—from issues of economic, national, and environmental security to questions of identity and belonging in today’s complex, technologically advanced and interconnected world.


リンジー・モリソン ゼミ

Japan, Inside-Out

This seminar focuses on reading and discussing seminal texts in Japanese literature, Japanese culture, and folklore studies, and is typically organized around a theme that allows for exploration of both domestic and international perspectives on Japan.


グローバルスタディーズ専攻 担当教員紹介

プロフィール Profile:1.職位(Job title) 2.学位(Educational background) 3.専門分野(Research Areas)
小林・ハッサル 柔子 Yasuko Hassall Kobayashi

小林・ハッサル 柔子 Yasuko Hassall Kobayashi

    1. 教授
    2. ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ研究学院(SOAS校)M.A.(アジア史研究)
      オーストラリア国立大学 Ph.D.(アジア史研究)
    3. アジア太平洋地域における移民・移動のトランスナショナル社会史
    1. Professor
    2. M.A. in Asian History, SOAS University of London Ph.D. in Asian History,
      Australian National University
    3. Transnational Social History of Migration and Mobility in the Asia-Pacif ic Region 

Shinobu Nakamura

中村 詩のぶ Shinobu Nakamura

    1. 准教授
    2. ミネソタ州立大学セントクラウド校 M.A. (英語学部第二言語としての英語教授法専攻)
    3. 英語学習法、第二言語習得論、外国語の自律学習支援
    1. Associate Professor
    2. M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), Saint Cloud State University Graduate School
    3. English Learning Methods, Second Language Acquisition Theory, Developing Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning

Marie Nitta

新田 万里江 Marie Nitta

    1. 専任講師
    2. ミシガン大学 Ph.D.(アメリカ文化研究)
    3. トランスナショナル・ヒストリー、アジア・太平洋諸島系アメリカ人研究、トランスナショナル・フェミニズム、食文化研究
    1. Lecturer
    2. Ph.D. in American Culture, University of Michigan
    3. Transnational History, Asian/Pacific Islander American Studies, Transnational Feminisms, and Food Culture Studies

Hanon Junn

ジョン・ハノン Hanon Junn

    1. 特別専任外国語講師
    2. レスター大学 M.A. 応用言語学 (TESOL)
    3. コンピューター支援言語学習、第二言語習得 モチベーション
    1. Language Specialist
    2. M.A. in Applied Linguistics (TESOL), University of Leicester
    3. Computer-Assisted Language Learning, L2 Motivation 

Eddie Hearn

エディー・ハーン Eddie Hearn

    1. 准教授
    2. フロリダ州立大学 Ph.D. (政治学)
    3. 国際関係論、国際政治経済学、外交政策
    1. Associate Professor
    2. Ph.D. in Political Science, Florida State University
    3. International Relations, International Political Economy, Foreign Policy 


スティーブン・ブルックス Steven Brooks

    1. 特別専任外国語講師
    2. カーディフ大学 M.A.(教育学部クリエイティブ・ライティング専攻)、ノッティンガム大学 M.A.(英語教授法[TESOL])
    3. 学術目的の英語教授法
    1. Language Specialist
    2. M.A. in Teaching and Practice of Creative Writing, Cardiff University
      M.A. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, University of Nottingham
    3. English for Academic Purposes 

Jason Hollowell

ジェイソン ・ ホロウェル Jason Hollowell

    1. 教授
    2. 国際医療福祉大学、博士 (言語聴覚学)
    3. 英語学/言語学 (第二言語習得論、応用言語学、音声言語習得)
    1. Professor
    2. Ph.D. in Medical Welfare (Language and Hearing Science), International University of Health and Welfare
    3. Languages and Linguistics (Second Language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics, Auditory Language Acquisition)

Brian Masshardt

ブライアン・マサハート Brian Masshardt

    1. 准教授
    2. ハワイ大学マノア校 Ph.D.(政治学)
    3. 国際関係、比較政治、日米関係、未来研究、国際教育
    1. Associate Professor
    2. Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
    3. International Relations, Comparative Politics, US-Japan Relations, Futures Studies, International Education 

Paul Minford

ポール ・ ミンフォード Paul Minford

    1. 教授
    2. オックスフォード大 M.Phil.(経済学)、B.A.(古典・英語学)
    3. ポスト・コロニアル文学、20世紀イギリス文学、現代イギリス移民文学
    1. Professor
    2. M.Phil. in Economics, B.A. in Classics & English, University of Oxford
    3. Postcolonial Literature, 20th Century British Literature, Contemporary British Migrant Literature 

Lindsay Morrison

リンジー・モリソン Lindsay Morrison

    1. 准教授
    2. 国際基督教大学、博士(学術)
    3. 日本文化論、日本文学
    1. Associate Professor
    2. Ph.D. in Arts and Sciences, International Christian University
    3. Japanese Culture, Japanese Literature 
