グローバルスタディーズ専攻 ゼミ一覧
小林・ハッサル 柔子 ゼミ
Exploring global modern and contemporary history with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region.
- Weekly Engagement with Historical Literature: Each week, students will critically engage with key texts pertaining to histories of the Asia-Pacific region, write a summary of weekly readings, and during seminar sessions conduct rigorous scholarly discussions based on those summaries.
- Development of Research Questions: Through these readings and seminar discussions, students will identify potential topics for their undergraduate theses, formulating research questions that address significant historical issues within the Asia-Pacific context.
- Thesis Composition: Building on the foundation of their research questions, students will proceed to develop and write their undergraduate theses, applying historical methodologies to address the problems they have identified.
中村詩のぶ ゼミ
Communication Studies Seminar
新田万里江 ゼミ
Race, Gender, and Sexuality
エディー・ハーン ゼミ
Politics and International Relations
This seminar examines international relations and foreign policy. The seminar will prepare students to conduct independent research using a social scientific approach that emphasizes the systematic study of politics. Students will be introduced to positivist research methods including theory building and hypothesis testing as well as acquire skills to analyze quantitative data.
ジェイソン ・ ホロウェル ゼミ
Project-based study in applied linguistics
ブライアン・マサハート ゼミ
Project-based global relations
Thematically, this seminar will center on the SDGs with potential sub, but “grand”, themes of democracy, futures, peace, and sustainability. This seminar will be project-based requiring students to select, research, and develop an advocacy campaign on a global issue. Students of this seminar will be involved with the development, planning, and implementation of the annual SDG 17 Partnership Fair.
ポール ・ ミンフォード ゼミ
Exploring global issues through the study of literary works
Our objects of study in this seminar are literary works in English from around the world, which students learn to analyse using the techniques of literary criticism. We are interested not only in the aesthetic qualities of literary works but also in how they engage with topics of global concern—from issues of economic, national, and environmental security to questions of identity and belonging in today’s complex, technologically advanced and interconnected world.
リンジー・モリソン ゼミ
Japan, Inside-Out
This seminar focuses on reading and discussing seminal texts in Japanese literature, Japanese culture, and folklore studies, and is typically organized around a theme that allows for exploration of both domestic and international perspectives on Japan.
グローバルスタディーズ専攻 担当教員紹介
- 小林・ハッサル 柔子
- 中村詩のぶ
- 新田万里江
- ジョン ・ ハノン
- エディー・ハーン
- スティーブン・ブルックス
- ジェイソン ・ ホロウェル
- ブライアン・マサハート
- ポール ・ ミンフォード
- リンジー・モリソン

小林・ハッサル 柔子 Yasuko Hassall Kobayashi

中村 詩のぶ Shinobu Nakamura

新田 万里江 Marie Nitta

ジョン・ハノン Hanon Junn

エディー・ハーン Eddie Hearn

スティーブン・ブルックス Steven Brooks

ジェイソン ・ ホロウェル Jason Hollowell

ブライアン・マサハート Brian Masshardt

ポール ・ ミンフォード Paul Minford