Le 22 décembre de l'année dernière, nous avons organisé la fête de Noël au M.C.V. En goûtant quelques gâteaux français, entre autres la bûche de Noël, et en dégustant diverses boissons françaises, nous avons écouté un exposé fait par deux étudiantes japonaises sur ce qu'est la fête de Noël en France, comment on la célèbre et avec qui, ce que l'on mange en particulier ainsi que sur l’origine du père Noël, etc. Nous avons joué aux devinettes sur la culture française. Deux étudiants japonais ont présidé le jeu. Avec des étudiants et étudiantes venus de France et d'autres pays, nous étions quarantaine. Nous avons passé un moment très agréable et sympathique. Merci à tous ceux qui ont participé !
まずはチームに分かれてゲームで場をあたため、次に全員でドイツ人留学生によるGerman Christmas Market(伝統的なクリスマス市)のプレゼンテーションを興味深く聞きました。その後クリスマスにちなんだクイズで盛り上がり、お待ちかねのクリスマ スディナーへ。MCV村長Jason Hollowell先生が自ら切り分けた七面鳥のローストに舌鼓を打ちました。会場では有志の学生によるクリスマスソングとジャズギターの生演奏も披露さ れ、各テーブルでおしゃべりに花が咲きました。
まずはチームに分かれてゲームで場をあたため、次に全員でドイツ人留学生によるGerman Christmas Market(伝統的なクリスマス市)のプレゼンテーションを興味深く聞きました。その後クリスマスにちなんだクイズで盛り上がり、お待ちかねのクリスマ スディナーへ。MCV村長Jason Hollowell先生が自ら切り分けた七面鳥のローストに舌鼓を打ちました。会場では有志の学生によるクリスマスソングとジャズギターの生演奏も披露さ れ、各テーブルでおしゃべりに花が咲きました。
【MCV】学生スタッフイベント“WORLD HOLIDAYS”を開催しました(2016/11/24)
11月24日に開催されたMCV学生スタッフイベント"World Holidays"の報告です。
アメリカのブースでは、4th of Julyの祝日の紹介の後、キャプチャーザフラグと呼ばれるゲームをし、
アメリカのブースでは、4th of Julyの祝日の紹介の後、キャプチャーザフラグと呼ばれるゲームをし、
Study Abroad Workshopを開催しました(2016/11/17)
11月17日に、Study Abroad Workshopを開催しました。主に2016年度の春休みを使って海外への旅行や留学を予定している学生たちと留学経験者、外国人留学生など、およそ50名が集まりました。オーストラリア・ディーキン大学からのインターンシップ生2名も協力をしてくれたワークショップは2部構成で行われ、それぞれ第1部では海外で起こり得るカルチャーショックへの対応方法や、知っておくと役に立つフレーズなどを学び、第2部では留学経験者や外国人留学生と交流することで海外の様子を詳しく知ることができ、参加者にとっては大変有意義な時間となりました。
イベントではまずハロウィンにまつわるクイズがあり、ハロウィンの起源から現在までのトリビアを楽しみました。その後はチームに分かれて3種類のゲームとScavengers House(お化け屋敷)を順に巡り、途中たくさんの笑い声と悲鳴が上がりました!
最後はコスチュームコンテストの投票が行われ、「Cutest」「Scariest」「Most Original」の3名が選ばれました。そのほかの皆さんもそれぞれに工夫の溢れる素敵な仮装でした。
11月11日(金)は、彼女らによる「オーストラリアン・アクティビティ」を開催しました。オーストラリアの主要都市の場所あてゲーム“Pin The Map”やオーストラリアの動物にちなんだ“Guess The Animals”をしたり、オーストラリアではおなじみのベジマイトトーストを試食し、参加者はオーストラリアについての理解を深めました。
11月11日(金)は、彼女らによる「オーストラリアン・アクティビティ」を開催しました。オーストラリアの主要都市の場所あてゲーム“Pin The Map”やオーストラリアの動物にちなんだ“Guess The Animals”をしたり、オーストラリアではおなじみのベジマイトトーストを試食し、参加者はオーストラリアについての理解を深めました。
10月13日に恒例のドイツイベント「オクトーバーフェスト」を開催しました。「オクトーバーフェスト」はドイツ・ミュンヘンで毎年秋に行われる秋祭り で、世界最大の祭りの一つです。MCVでは各種のドイツ製ビールと南ドイツ名物の白ソーセージ(Weißwurst)、そしてドイツクイズを準備し、武蔵大学で学ぶ日本人学生・留学生と楽しいひとときを過ごしました。ほぼ50人の参加者がありました。参加してくださった武蔵大学の先生方、学生のみなさん、ありがとうございました。
Am 13.10. fand das diesjährige „Oktoberfest“ des MCV statt. Der Name der Veranstaltung stammt vom jedes Jahr im Herbst in München gefeierten Fest, das als eines der weltweit größten Volksfeste bekannt ist. Es gab verschiedene Biersorten aus Deutschland, die süddeutsche Spezialität Weißwurst und ein spannendes Deutschland-Quiz, sodass japanische und ausländische Studentinnen und Studenten der Musashi-Universität gemeinsam eine gemütliche Zeit verbringen konnten. Insgesamt kamen ca. 50 Besucher. Das MCV bedankt sich herzlich bei Lehrkräften, Studentinnen und Studenten der Musashi-Universität, die die Veranstaltung besucht haben.
【MCV】English JAM in MCVを開催しました(2016/5/12)
Update from Tomoki Kurokawa/English JAM
On May 12th English JAM held a collaboration event with the Musashi Communication Village. Participants enjoyed talking in English and also playing some games using English. Here is a list of activities that they did on that day.
Ice breaking– ‘Who am I’ game to break the participants’ ice in their mind.
Song Transcription –After divided into small groups,They enjoyed to transcribe the song “It’s a beautiful day” by Michael Buble.
We will be holding more fun events at the MCV this semester. Come join us!!
Participants enjoyed playing games. It was a good opportunity even for beginners to speak English a lot. MCV
English JAMとMCVは5月12日(金)にコラボレーションイベントを開催し、約40名の学生に参加していただきました。『Who am I』、『Song Transcription』などのゲームを行い、参加者は楽しみながら英語に親しんでいました。これからもこのようなイベントを開催する予定ですので、今回残念ながら来ることができなかった人もぜひお越しください。
On May 12th English JAM held a collaboration event with the Musashi Communication Village. Participants enjoyed talking in English and also playing some games using English. Here is a list of activities that they did on that day.
Ice breaking– ‘Who am I’ game to break the participants’ ice in their mind.
Song Transcription –After divided into small groups,They enjoyed to transcribe the song “It’s a beautiful day” by Michael Buble.
We will be holding more fun events at the MCV this semester. Come join us!!
Participants enjoyed playing games. It was a good opportunity even for beginners to speak English a lot. MCV
English JAMとMCVは5月12日(金)にコラボレーションイベントを開催し、約40名の学生に参加していただきました。『Who am I』、『Song Transcription』などのゲームを行い、参加者は楽しみながら英語に親しんでいました。これからもこのようなイベントを開催する予定ですので、今回残念ながら来ることができなかった人もぜひお越しください。
English JAMのTAのみなさん、準備から当日の運営までおつかれさまでした。
English JAMのTAのみなさん、準備から当日の運営までおつかれさまでした。
【MCV】Spring Festivalを開催しました(2016/4/28)
The MCV’s annual event, Spring Festival ,was held on Thursday, April 28th. This year visitors had the opportunity to learn about 5 different areas in the world: Midwest America, San Francisco, Argentina, Italy and Taiwan in 5 different booths. This year we had yet another great turn out. Participants are given an hour and a half to visit all the booths to experience different cultures and to taste a variety of regional food and drinks .
At the San Francisco/Midwest America booth, they got to learn interesting facts about the regions , challenged a quiz, and finally learned the difference between American and Japanese snacks. The Taiwanese booth hosted a lesson of how to read "Pinyin" Chinese and "Zhuyin" Taiwanise which are alphabets in each country. For many students, sampling Argentina Mate Tea, Taiwanese Sausage and North American Root Beer was an eye-opening, first-time experience. The most popular booth at the event was the Italian booth, serving homemade Tiramisu.
Please enjoy the photos of the event to follow.
At the San Francisco/Midwest America booth, they got to learn interesting facts about the regions , challenged a quiz, and finally learned the difference between American and Japanese snacks. The Taiwanese booth hosted a lesson of how to read "Pinyin" Chinese and "Zhuyin" Taiwanise which are alphabets in each country. For many students, sampling Argentina Mate Tea, Taiwanese Sausage and North American Root Beer was an eye-opening, first-time experience. The most popular booth at the event was the Italian booth, serving homemade Tiramisu.
Please enjoy the photos of the event to follow.
On December 17, MCV held its annual Christmas event.
In the daytime, we held a cooking class and students were able to build and decorate their own gingerbread houses. Gingerbread house decorating is a traditional activity during the Christmas session in America and parts of Europe.
In the evening, students participated in various holiday games, learned about Christmas around the world, listened to live music from our student band, and enjoyed a traditional Christmas dinner.
The event was a success, as the students enjoyed themselves and had an opportunity to experience an international Christmas at MCV. We look forward to hosting another Christmas event, and urge everyone to come and enjoy the holidays with us for the next Christmas celebration!
In the daytime, we held a cooking class and students were able to build and decorate their own gingerbread houses. Gingerbread house decorating is a traditional activity during the Christmas session in America and parts of Europe.
In the evening, students participated in various holiday games, learned about Christmas around the world, listened to live music from our student band, and enjoyed a traditional Christmas dinner.
The event was a success, as the students enjoyed themselves and had an opportunity to experience an international Christmas at MCV. We look forward to hosting another Christmas event, and urge everyone to come and enjoy the holidays with us for the next Christmas celebration!
【MCV・国際センター】後期 現地実習事前ワークショップを開催しました(2015/11/26)
On November 26th, the MCV and the International Studies Center held a study abroad workshop.
The workshop started with different English speaking accents from around the world. The participants listened to a sample voice of how English is spoken in the country they will visit. After that, they learned tips to introduce themselves in English, and practiced phrases with the MCV floor staff.
In the last half of the workshop, the participants split into groups and asked for advice and information from their seniors.
The more you prepare, the more you can enjoy communicating with foreigners. Tony and Carlos are here to help you practice your English, so feel free to come to the MCV anytime!
The workshop started with different English speaking accents from around the world. The participants listened to a sample voice of how English is spoken in the country they will visit. After that, they learned tips to introduce themselves in English, and practiced phrases with the MCV floor staff.
In the last half of the workshop, the participants split into groups and asked for advice and information from their seniors.
The more you prepare, the more you can enjoy communicating with foreigners. Tony and Carlos are here to help you practice your English, so feel free to come to the MCV anytime!
Hello everyone!
On November 19th the MCV’s student staff held their very own event called "World Tea Party"! Visitors had tons of fun learning about teas from places around the world, including Japan, China, the United States, and South Africa.
However, not only did they learn about these teas, they got to drink them too! Visitors even received a free bag of gifts when they left the event.
Be sure to join us at the MCV next time for our future events!
On November 19th the MCV’s student staff held their very own event called "World Tea Party"! Visitors had tons of fun learning about teas from places around the world, including Japan, China, the United States, and South Africa.
However, not only did they learn about these teas, they got to drink them too! Visitors even received a free bag of gifts when they left the event.
Be sure to join us at the MCV next time for our future events!
11月19日にMCV学生スタッフが主催するイベント “World Tea Party” が開催されました!
(報告:Michael Monks, 和訳:中村 里奈 / MCV学生スタッフ)
11月19日にMCV学生スタッフが主催するイベント “World Tea Party” が開催されました!
(報告:Michael Monks, 和訳:中村 里奈 / MCV学生スタッフ)
On October 29th, we held our annual Halloween party at the MCV.
Participants dressed up in creative Halloween costumes and enjoyed 4 different games.
We had a new game called “Trick or Treat”. It’s a game inspired by apple bobbing, a famous traditional Halloween game in the US. Instead of using apples, participants tried to get the candies by only using their teeth. It’s harder than it looks, and the game really heated up!
This day, the meeting room changed into a spooky cemetery, and participants did treasure hunting inside the room. They also enjoyed playing ring toss and rapping their teammate with toilet paper to make a mummy.
At last, we all learned about the origin of Halloween and how it is celebrated in other countries.
The next MCV event will be the Christmas party held from 16:20 on December 17th.
Reservations are required, so don’t forget to sign up from the MCV e-learning site!
Participants dressed up in creative Halloween costumes and enjoyed 4 different games.
We had a new game called “Trick or Treat”. It’s a game inspired by apple bobbing, a famous traditional Halloween game in the US. Instead of using apples, participants tried to get the candies by only using their teeth. It’s harder than it looks, and the game really heated up!
This day, the meeting room changed into a spooky cemetery, and participants did treasure hunting inside the room. They also enjoyed playing ring toss and rapping their teammate with toilet paper to make a mummy.
At last, we all learned about the origin of Halloween and how it is celebrated in other countries.
The next MCV event will be the Christmas party held from 16:20 on December 17th.
Reservations are required, so don’t forget to sign up from the MCV e-learning site!
今 年のゲームはハロウィンの伝統的なゲーム「アップルボビング」をアレンジした、キャンディーボビングゲームが登場!参加者は制限時間内でロープに吊るされ たキャンディーを口だけで何個取れるか挑戦しました。ゆれるキャンディーを取るのは見た目より難しく、大盛り上がりでした。
予約が必要となりますので、MCV e-ランニングサイトからご予約ください!
今 年のゲームはハロウィンの伝統的なゲーム「アップルボビング」をアレンジした、キャンディーボビングゲームが登場!参加者は制限時間内でロープに吊るされ たキャンディーを口だけで何個取れるか挑戦しました。ゆれるキャンディーを取るのは見た目より難しく、大盛り上がりでした。
予約が必要となりますので、MCV e-ランニングサイトからご予約ください!
MCVでは各種のドイツ製ビールと南ドイツ名物の白ソーセージ(Weißwurst)を用意し、武蔵大学で学ぶ日本人学生・留学生と楽しいひとときを過ご しました。合計60人を超える参加者があったほか、今回もテレビなどでご活躍のヨーデル歌手北川桜さんをお迎えし、南ドイツの音楽やダンスを楽しむことが できました。
MCVでは各種のドイツ製ビールと南ドイツ名物の白ソーセージ(Weißwurst)を用意し、武蔵大学で学ぶ日本人学生・留学生と楽しいひとときを過ご しました。合計60人を超える参加者があったほか、今回もテレビなどでご活躍のヨーデル歌手北川桜さんをお迎えし、南ドイツの音楽やダンスを楽しむことが できました。
Am 8.10. fand das diesjährige „Oktoberfest“ des MCV statt. Der Name der Veranstaltung stammt vom jedes Jahr im Herbst in München gefeierten Fest, das als eines der weltweit größten Volksfeste bekannt ist. Es gab verschiedene Biersorten aus Deutschland sowie die süddeutsche Spezialität Weißwurst, sodass japanische und ausländische Studentinnen und Studenten der Musashi-Universität gemeinsam eine gemütliche Zeit verbringen konnten. Insgesamt kamen mehr als 60 Besucher. Außerdem war die berühmte Jodlerin Frau Sakura Kitagawa zu Gast und hat Musik und Tänze aus Süddeutschland vorgeführt. Das MCV bedankt sich herzlich bei Frau Kitagawa, Lehrkräften, Studentinnen und Studenten der Musashi-Universität, die die Veranstaltung besucht haben.
(報告:人文学部ヨーロッパ文化学科 黒田享教授 )
(報告:人文学部ヨーロッパ文化学科 黒田享教授 )
International Career Week講演会『キャリアアップにつながる英語学習』を開催しました(2015/6/26)
国際的な環境で働くことについて理解・関心を深めるための「インターナショナル キャリアアップ フェア」の企画として、6月26日にNHK Eテレ「おとなの基礎英語」でおなじみの松本茂氏(立教大学グローバル教育センター長)をお招きし、講演会を開催いたしました。
English JAM in MCVを開催しました(2015/5/21)
Update from Yu Narioka / English JAM
On May 21st English JAM held a collaborative event at the Musashi Communication Village. Participants enjoyed talking in English and also playing some games. Here is a list of activities that we had on that day.
Ice breaking– We played ‘Bingo game’ to break the ice.
Tour session– We enjoyed a few games in tour (rotation) style.
・Stop the bus– A game where we think of some words starting from some alphabet letter we give.
・Monster box– A game where we describe what is in a box by feeing the item in the box.
・Simon says– A game where participants follow TA’s direction and move their body.
・Topic talk– We talk about a topic we selected.
We will be holding more fun events this year. Come and join us!!
From MCV Office to English JAM
Participants enjoyed playing games. It was a good opportunity even for beginners to speak a lot of English. Thank you for holding a wonderful event.
On May 21st English JAM held a collaborative event at the Musashi Communication Village. Participants enjoyed talking in English and also playing some games. Here is a list of activities that we had on that day.
Ice breaking– We played ‘Bingo game’ to break the ice.
Tour session– We enjoyed a few games in tour (rotation) style.
・Stop the bus– A game where we think of some words starting from some alphabet letter we give.
・Monster box– A game where we describe what is in a box by feeing the item in the box.
・Simon says– A game where participants follow TA’s direction and move their body.
・Topic talk– We talk about a topic we selected.
We will be holding more fun events this year. Come and join us!!
From MCV Office to English JAM
Participants enjoyed playing games. It was a good opportunity even for beginners to speak a lot of English. Thank you for holding a wonderful event.
English JAMとMCVは5月21日(木)にコラボレーションイベントを開催し、約50名の武蔵大学生と武蔵高校生・中学生の参加がありました。『Stop the bus』、『Simon says』などのいくつかのゲームを行い、参加者は楽しみながら英語に親しんでくれました。これからもこのようなイベントを開催する予定ですので、今回残念ながら来ることができなかった人もぜひお越しください。
(報告:成岡 優/ English JAM)
English JAMのTAのみなさん、準備から当日の運営までお疲れさまでした。
English JAMのTAのみなさん、準備から当日の運営までお疲れさまでした。
【MCV】MCV film festivalを開催しました(2015/5/14-28)
While Cannes Film Festival was held in France, MCV held it’s first-ever film festival! For 2 weeks, starting from Thursday May14th, we showed films from around the world.
During the festival we had 2 movie nights showing “English Vinglish” and “Babel”. Students ordered popcorn and drinks using their 2nd language. The films were very international and challenging. Several languages were spoken in the films, and they made us think about the importance of communication and understanding different cultures.
This month’s event will be “Street food fair” and a lecture about English learning for expanding career possibilities. Please come and join us!
During the festival we had 2 movie nights showing “English Vinglish” and “Babel”. Students ordered popcorn and drinks using their 2nd language. The films were very international and challenging. Several languages were spoken in the films, and they made us think about the importance of communication and understanding different cultures.
This month’s event will be “Street food fair” and a lecture about English learning for expanding career possibilities. Please come and join us!
先月フランスではカンヌ国際映画祭が行われていましたが、MCVでは5月14日(木)~5月28日(木)までMCV film festivalを開催しました。
またfestival初日と最終日にはMovie nightを開催し、訪れた学生は母国語以外の言語でポップコーンとドリンクを注文してスクリーンで映画鑑賞をしました。
Opening movie night「マダム・イン・ニューヨーク」
Closing movie night「バベル」
6月はMCV学生スタッフが主催する世界のB級グルメイベント「Street Food Fair」と、NHK『おとなの基礎英語』でおなじみの松本茂氏をお招きして講演会を開催します。ふるってご参加ください。
またfestival初日と最終日にはMovie nightを開催し、訪れた学生は母国語以外の言語でポップコーンとドリンクを注文してスクリーンで映画鑑賞をしました。
Opening movie night「マダム・イン・ニューヨーク」
Closing movie night「バベル」
6月はMCV学生スタッフが主催する世界のB級グルメイベント「Street Food Fair」と、NHK『おとなの基礎英語』でおなじみの松本茂氏をお招きして講演会を開催します。ふるってご参加ください。
【MCV】Spring festivalを開催しました(2015/4/30)
On April 30th we held our Spring Festival at Musashi Communication Village.
Participants enjoyed learning about various cultures while having refreshments from each country. They learned how to say “Wedge-tail triggerfish” in Hawaiian language, listened to some interesting trivia about USA and Detroit, and had fun answering the UK quiz.
For many of them, it was the first time to try goat cheese and maccha green tea, which were served at the French booth and Japan Booth.
The next MCV event will be the Movie Festival. Please come and join us!
Participants enjoyed learning about various cultures while having refreshments from each country. They learned how to say “Wedge-tail triggerfish” in Hawaiian language, listened to some interesting trivia about USA and Detroit, and had fun answering the UK quiz.
For many of them, it was the first time to try goat cheese and maccha green tea, which were served at the French booth and Japan Booth.
The next MCV event will be the Movie Festival. Please come and join us!
On January 15th, the MCV and the International Studies Center held a study abroad workshop.
During the first half of the workshop, students participated in an active conversation and asked for advice and information from their seniors. Later they learned about greetings, table manners, and useful English phrases from Cate and Tony. All participants had a very good time and everyone participated with enthusiasm.
During the first half of the workshop, students participated in an active conversation and asked for advice and information from their seniors. Later they learned about greetings, table manners, and useful English phrases from Cate and Tony. All participants had a very good time and everyone participated with enthusiasm.
12月18日Musashi Communication Villageでクリスマスイベントを開催いたしました。
On December 18th we held a “Christmas Event” at Musashi Communication Village.
Participants learned about unique Christmas customs from around the world, played “pass the parcel” game, tried to draw on the paper plates placed on top of their heads, and made Santa costumes.
Also they learned useful English phrases to use in a restaurant. And for the grand finale they had a wonderful, traditional USA/UK Christmas dinner and German Christmas dessert!
Everyone spent a warm and joyful time at the MCV.
Participants learned about unique Christmas customs from around the world, played “pass the parcel” game, tried to draw on the paper plates placed on top of their heads, and made Santa costumes.
Also they learned useful English phrases to use in a restaurant. And for the grand finale they had a wonderful, traditional USA/UK Christmas dinner and German Christmas dessert!
Everyone spent a warm and joyful time at the MCV.
10月30日Musashi Communication VillageでHalloweenイベントを開催いたしました。
参加者は、Halloweenの由来について学び、Haunted HouseやBox of HorrorsなどHalloweenにまつわる複数のゲームを体験したり、Trick or Treatと唱えながらお菓子を集めたり、英語で歓談をしながら楽しい時間を過ごしました。
参加者は、Halloweenの由来について学び、Haunted HouseやBox of HorrorsなどHalloweenにまつわる複数のゲームを体験したり、Trick or Treatと唱えながらお菓子を集めたり、英語で歓談をしながら楽しい時間を過ごしました。
On October 30th we held our Halloween Event at Musashi Communication Village.
Participants learned about the traditions of Halloween and enjoyed playing 4 different games: the Haunted House, Box of Horrors, Cat on the Broom, and Pumpkin Bowling.
Also, they collected candies by saying “Trick-or -Treat”. The party successfully captured the spirit of Halloween!
Participants learned about the traditions of Halloween and enjoyed playing 4 different games: the Haunted House, Box of Horrors, Cat on the Broom, and Pumpkin Bowling.
Also, they collected candies by saying “Trick-or -Treat”. The party successfully captured the spirit of Halloween!

本場ドイツのビール(20歳以上に提供)や、オクトーバーフェストで食 べるヴァイスヴルストと呼ばれる白ソーセージ(甘いマスタードをつけて食べます)を試食したほか、サプライズゲストとして、なんと本場ミュンヘンのオクトーバーフェストに2011年から3年連続で公式に招待されたヨーデル歌手、北川桜さんとブラバスバッハマンさん(トロンボーン奏者)のお二人にお越しいただきました。当日は111名もの参加者が集まり、オクトーバーフェストで歌われる乾杯の歌“Ein Prosit”をドイツ語で合唱したのをはじめ、音楽に合わせて学生全員でダンスをしたり、北川さんのヨーデルや楽器の演奏に耳を傾けたりと大変楽しいイベントとなりました。お忙しいなかスケジュールの合間を縫ってご参加いただいた北川さんにはこの場を借りてお礼を申し上げます。
本場ドイツのビール(20歳以上に提供)や、オクトーバーフェストで食 べるヴァイスヴルストと呼ばれる白ソーセージ(甘いマスタードをつけて食べます)を試食したほか、サプライズゲストとして、なんと本場ミュンヘンのオクトーバーフェストに2011年から3年連続で公式に招待されたヨーデル歌手、北川桜さんとブラバスバッハマンさん(トロンボーン奏者)のお二人にお越しいただきました。当日は111名もの参加者が集まり、オクトーバーフェストで歌われる乾杯の歌“Ein Prosit”をドイツ語で合唱したのをはじめ、音楽に合わせて学生全員でダンスをしたり、北川さんのヨーデルや楽器の演奏に耳を傾けたりと大変楽しいイベントとなりました。お忙しいなかスケジュールの合間を縫ってご参加いただいた北川さんにはこの場を借りてお礼を申し上げます。
Am 1. Oktober hat im MCV ein “Oktoberfest” stattgefunden.
Es wurden das echte Oktoberfestbier aus Bayern (für die Studenten ab 20) sowie die Weißwurst mit süßem Senf probiert. Es war eine Überraschung, dass die Jodlerin Sakura Kitagawa und der Posaunist Brabus Bachmann dabei waren, die seit 2011 dreimal als öffizielle Gäste zum Münchner Oktoberfest eingeladen wurden. Am Event haben 111 Studenten (!) teilgenommen. Sie haben mit Frau Kitagawa „Ein Prosit“ auf Deutsch mitgesungen. Es wurde außerdem getanzt, fantastisch gejodelt und musiziert, und all das hat uns allen viel Spaß gemacht.
(報告:人文学部ヨーロッパ文化学科 桂 元嗣准教授 )
Es wurden das echte Oktoberfestbier aus Bayern (für die Studenten ab 20) sowie die Weißwurst mit süßem Senf probiert. Es war eine Überraschung, dass die Jodlerin Sakura Kitagawa und der Posaunist Brabus Bachmann dabei waren, die seit 2011 dreimal als öffizielle Gäste zum Münchner Oktoberfest eingeladen wurden. Am Event haben 111 Studenten (!) teilgenommen. Sie haben mit Frau Kitagawa „Ein Prosit“ auf Deutsch mitgesungen. Es wurde außerdem getanzt, fantastisch gejodelt und musiziert, und all das hat uns allen viel Spaß gemacht.
(報告:人文学部ヨーロッパ文化学科 桂 元嗣准教授 )
ヴァイスヴルストとその他のソーセージ -
北川桜さん(ヨーデル歌手)と ブラバスバッハマンさん(トロンボーン奏者) -
<イベントの様子> -
International Career Week 番外編『アメリカで働くことを選んだ理由』を開催しました(2014/7/30)
7月30日、International Career Week(外国語教育センター・キャリア支援センター共催)の「番外編」企画として、現在アメリカでお仕事をなさっている卒業生の豊田輝臣氏をお招きし、講演会を開催いたしました。学生および教職員約30名が聴衆として参加しました。
Update from Sanako Shimazaki / MCV Student Staff
On July 10th MCV student staff held a MCV Student Staff Event “Treasure Hunting”. We introduced French, Australian, Chinese and German cultures. Visitors collected clues in each booth and completed a word puzzle, “Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams!”
On July 10th MCV student staff held a MCV Student Staff Event “Treasure Hunting”. We introduced French, Australian, Chinese and German cultures. Visitors collected clues in each booth and completed a word puzzle, “Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams!”
学生スタッフ・イベント”Treasure Hunting”を開催しました。学生スタッフの出身地や留学先などゆかりのあるフランス、オーストラリア、中国、ドイツの文化を紹介し、その国のお菓子も満喫しました。最後に4か国のブースで手にしたヒントをもとにパズルの謎を解き、無事、宝箱を開けることができました!
“Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams!”
— 困難に負けず、夢に向かって進みましょう!—
(報告:島崎 紗奈子 / MCV学生スタッフ)
“Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams!”
— 困難に負けず、夢に向かって進みましょう!—
(報告:島崎 紗奈子 / MCV学生スタッフ)

International Career Week第3弾 講演会『キャリアの選択肢をひろげるための英語の重要性』を開催いたしました(2014/7/3)
7月3日、International Career Week第3弾 (外国語教育センター・キャリア支援センター共催)の企画として、一般財団法人 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会 専務理事の斎藤真氏をお招きし、講演会を開催したしました。学生および教職員約40名が聴衆として参加しました。
斎藤氏のこれまでのご経験・ご体験から、海外での大学生活や海外で働くそれぞれの段階に応じて必要ないくつかのスキルやマインドについてお話しくださいました。大学時代に必要なスキルの1つとして「contribution(貢献)」を挙げられ、外国人に受け入れてもらうためには、相手から知識を吸収するという受け身の姿勢に終始することなく、貢献する意欲を持ち、相手にも何かを与えようと心がけるGive and Takeの精神が大切である。また、企業に入り非英語圏で仕事をする際に必要なスキルとして、メキシコ(スペイン語圏)での経験を例に挙げられ、コミュニケーションをとるためには英語だけではない「English plus(共通の言語)」の習得と、さらに「cross cultural understanding(異文化理解)」が必要であるとお話しくださいました。
最後に、英語が出来るだけではグローバル人材ではない、異文化との調和を図り、相手に価値を与えることができる、市場価値のある「人財」を目指してほしい、「Good luck and Enjoy your life」というメッセ—ジをいただきました。
斎藤氏のこれまでのご経験・ご体験から、海外での大学生活や海外で働くそれぞれの段階に応じて必要ないくつかのスキルやマインドについてお話しくださいました。大学時代に必要なスキルの1つとして「contribution(貢献)」を挙げられ、外国人に受け入れてもらうためには、相手から知識を吸収するという受け身の姿勢に終始することなく、貢献する意欲を持ち、相手にも何かを与えようと心がけるGive and Takeの精神が大切である。また、企業に入り非英語圏で仕事をする際に必要なスキルとして、メキシコ(スペイン語圏)での経験を例に挙げられ、コミュニケーションをとるためには英語だけではない「English plus(共通の言語)」の習得と、さらに「cross cultural understanding(異文化理解)」が必要であるとお話しくださいました。
最後に、英語が出来るだけではグローバル人材ではない、異文化との調和を図り、相手に価値を与えることができる、市場価値のある「人財」を目指してほしい、「Good luck and Enjoy your life」というメッセ—ジをいただきました。
TOEIC is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS).This website is not endorsed or approved by ETS.

Movie Nightを開催しました(2014/6/26)
The MCV Movie Night event was held on June 26th.
The movie, “Monsters University” was decided upon through student voting that took place in May.
Participants were able to order free popcorn and drinks using English phrases and they really enjoyed watching the movie in English!
Some students prepared by studying and practicing some of the idioms and phrases used in the movie during our Movie Night Activities that started a week ago.
The movie, “Monsters University” was decided upon through student voting that took place in May.
Participants were able to order free popcorn and drinks using English phrases and they really enjoyed watching the movie in English!
Some students prepared by studying and practicing some of the idioms and phrases used in the movie during our Movie Night Activities that started a week ago.
Movie Nightを6月26日に開催いたしました。
訪れた学生は、英語のフレーズを使って、チケットをドリンクとポップコーンに交換し、英語圏の映画館にいる体験を楽しんでもらいました。上映1週間前から外国人スタッフによるMovie Nightアクティビティに参加し、映画に関するイディオムやフレーズを予習して、当日の上映会に臨んだ学生もいました。
訪れた学生は、英語のフレーズを使って、チケットをドリンクとポップコーンに交換し、英語圏の映画館にいる体験を楽しんでもらいました。上映1週間前から外国人スタッフによるMovie Nightアクティビティに参加し、映画に関するイディオムやフレーズを予習して、当日の上映会に臨んだ学生もいました。

The MCV hosted Brazil Event at Musashi Communication Village on June 17th.
The event was led and made possible by Professor Angelo Ishi of the Faculty of Sociology.
Participants learned about Brazilian culture and music from Mr. Aso who is the author of “ブラジル・カルチャー図鑑”.
They also enjoyed tasting Brazilian food and talking with students from Brazil.
Feijoada is one of Brazil's national treasures. Several kinds of smoked meats, ribs, and beef jerky are slowly simmered with black beans.
Brigadeiro is a simple chocolate bonbon. It is a very popular candy in Brazil and Portugal and it is usually served as a dessert and at birthday parties.
The event was led and made possible by Professor Angelo Ishi of the Faculty of Sociology.
Participants learned about Brazilian culture and music from Mr. Aso who is the author of “ブラジル・カルチャー図鑑”.
They also enjoyed tasting Brazilian food and talking with students from Brazil.
Feijoada is one of Brazil's national treasures. Several kinds of smoked meats, ribs, and beef jerky are slowly simmered with black beans.
Brigadeiro is a simple chocolate bonbon. It is a very popular candy in Brazil and Portugal and it is usually served as a dessert and at birthday parties.

Feijoada -

English JAM in MCVを開催しました(2014/5/22)
Update from Tomoki Kurokawa / English JAM
On May 22nd English JAM held a collaboration event at Musashi Communication Village. Participants enjoyed talking in English and also some games. Here are the sessions that we did on that day.
Ice breaking– We played ‘Chain game’ and ‘Do you love your neighbors?’ to break the participants’ ice in their heart.
Quiz competition– We held a quiz competition. Interesting questions were asked.
Find the mistakes – We also enjoyed a game that involved finding mistakes in different two pictures.
We will be holding more fun events this year. Come and join us!!
From MCV Office to English JAM
Participants enjoyed playing games. It was a good opportunity even for beginners to speak a lot of English. Thank you for holding a wonderful event.
On May 22nd English JAM held a collaboration event at Musashi Communication Village. Participants enjoyed talking in English and also some games. Here are the sessions that we did on that day.
Ice breaking– We played ‘Chain game’ and ‘Do you love your neighbors?’ to break the participants’ ice in their heart.
Quiz competition– We held a quiz competition. Interesting questions were asked.
Find the mistakes – We also enjoyed a game that involved finding mistakes in different two pictures.
We will be holding more fun events this year. Come and join us!!
From MCV Office to English JAM
Participants enjoyed playing games. It was a good opportunity even for beginners to speak a lot of English. Thank you for holding a wonderful event.
English JAMはMCVとのコラボレーション企画イベントを開催しました。今回のイベントでは参加者にいくつかのゲームを通して英語に親しむことができるようなプログラムを準備し、約30名に参加頂くことができました。これからも、こういったイベントを開催する予定ですので、今回残念ながら来ることができなかった人も次回はぜひお越し下さい。
(報告:黒川智貴 / English JAM)
(報告:黒川智貴 / English JAM)
English JAMのTAのみなさん、準備から当日の運営までおつかれさまでした。
English JAMのTAのみなさん、準備から当日の運営までおつかれさまでした。

Spring Festivalを開催しました (2014/4/25)
On April 24th we held our Spring Festival at Musashi Communication Village.
Participants learned about the hometowns of our staff and they also enjoyed refreshments from each country.
Tony: USA - American lemonade & popcorn
Cate: UK - British tea& biscuits
Ricardo: Philippines - Philippine fruit juice & sweets
Shinobu: Japan - Japanese tea & sweets
We will be holding more cultural events this year. Please come and join us!!
Participants learned about the hometowns of our staff and they also enjoyed refreshments from each country.
Tony: USA - American lemonade & popcorn
Cate: UK - British tea& biscuits
Ricardo: Philippines - Philippine fruit juice & sweets
Shinobu: Japan - Japanese tea & sweets
We will be holding more cultural events this year. Please come and join us!!

クリスマス イベントを開催しました(2013/12/18)
On December 18th we held a “Christmas Event” at Musashi Communication Village.
Participants learned the story of Santa Claus, heard how Christmas is celebrated around the world, tried Egg Nog, ate Christmas dinner, played ” pass the parcel” game, and participated in a quiz . Participants, including foreign exchange students, enjoyed chatting in foreign languages.ta Claus, tried Egg Nog, played games and heard how Christmas is celebrated around the world. But most importantly, we had a yummy Christmas dinner!
MCV student staff worked as MC’s, wait staff, and coat check staff for those who attended the event.
The MCV will be open in January so please come and visit us.
For more information, please contact the MCV staff.
Participants learned the story of Santa Claus, heard how Christmas is celebrated around the world, tried Egg Nog, ate Christmas dinner, played ” pass the parcel” game, and participated in a quiz . Participants, including foreign exchange students, enjoyed chatting in foreign languages.ta Claus, tried Egg Nog, played games and heard how Christmas is celebrated around the world. But most importantly, we had a yummy Christmas dinner!
MCV student staff worked as MC’s, wait staff, and coat check staff for those who attended the event.
The MCV will be open in January so please come and visit us.
For more information, please contact the MCV staff.
12月18日Musashi Communication Villageでクリスマスイベントを開催いたしました。

Movie Nightを開催しました(2013/12/11)
On December 11th we held our first “Movie Night” at Musashi Communication Village.
The movie, “Inception” was decided upon through student voting that took place in November.
MCV student staff worked as theater staff and performed tasks such as acting as MC’s, staffing the concession stand, and taking the coats of those who attended the viewing.
Participants were able to request free popcorn and drinks using English phrases. They enjoyed watching a movie like they might in a theater in a foreign country.
We will be holding our annual Christmas Event in December and look forward to seeing many visitors at the event!
For more information, please contact the MCV staff.
The movie, “Inception” was decided upon through student voting that took place in November.
MCV student staff worked as theater staff and performed tasks such as acting as MC’s, staffing the concession stand, and taking the coats of those who attended the viewing.
Participants were able to request free popcorn and drinks using English phrases. They enjoyed watching a movie like they might in a theater in a foreign country.
We will be holding our annual Christmas Event in December and look forward to seeing many visitors at the event!
For more information, please contact the MCV staff.
12月11日Musashi Communication VillageでMovie Nightを開催いたしました。

On December 4th, we held a Korean Event “!韓国体感! - Learning about Korean Culture ”. Contents of the Event:
Korean Popular Words Lesson
Korean Song Intro Quiz
Korean Instant Noodle Lecture
Korean/ Japanese Snack Tasting Quiz
Tasting Of Korean Noodles, Food, Sweets, And Tea
Dance Performance
It was a wonderful opportunity for us to experience Korean Culture.
We’ll also have a Movie Night and a Christmas party in December. Please come and join us!
Movie Night: on December 11th from16:20 to 19:00
Christmas party: on December 18th from 16:20-17:50.
For more information, please contact the MCV desk.
Korean Popular Words Lesson
Korean Song Intro Quiz
Korean Instant Noodle Lecture
Korean/ Japanese Snack Tasting Quiz
Tasting Of Korean Noodles, Food, Sweets, And Tea
Dance Performance
It was a wonderful opportunity for us to experience Korean Culture.
We’ll also have a Movie Night and a Christmas party in December. Please come and join us!
Movie Night: on December 11th from16:20 to 19:00
Christmas party: on December 18th from 16:20-17:50.
For more information, please contact the MCV desk.
12月4日Musashi Communication Villageで『!韓国体感!』が開催されました。
MCVでは12月にMovie Night、クリスマスイベントも予定しておりますので、是非ご参加ください。詳細はMCV窓口にお問い合わせください。
MCVでは12月にMovie Night、クリスマスイベントも予定しておりますので、是非ご参加ください。詳細はMCV窓口にお問い合わせください。

Kaffeeklatsch コーヒーを飲みながらドイツ人留学生と交流しよう!(2013/11/26)
On November 26th, we held a German Event “Kaffeeklatsch - Cultural Exchange with the German exchange students –“
Many students who were interested in learning German and the German exchange students joined this event. They enjoyed talking about their languages and cultures.
Students can experience using not only English but also German in the MCV.
For more information, please contact the MCV desk.
Many students who were interested in learning German and the German exchange students joined this event. They enjoyed talking about their languages and cultures.
Students can experience using not only English but also German in the MCV.
For more information, please contact the MCV desk.
11月26日Musashi Communication Villageで『Kaffeeklatsch コーヒーを飲みながらドイツ人留学生と交流しよう!』が開催されました。

On October 31st we held our Halloween Event at Musashi Communication Village.
Participants learned about the traditions of Halloween. They also enjoyed a quiz, Pumpkin Bowling and a Mummy making race. Some of them took part in a Costume contest.
We will be holding our Christmas Event in December.
For more information, please contact the MCV staff.
10月31日Musashi Communication VillageでHalloweenイベントを開催いたしました。
Participants learned about the traditions of Halloween. They also enjoyed a quiz, Pumpkin Bowling and a Mummy making race. Some of them took part in a Costume contest.
We will be holding our Christmas Event in December.
For more information, please contact the MCV staff.
10月31日Musashi Communication VillageでHalloweenイベントを開催いたしました。

10月28日Musashi Communication Villageにおいて経済学部二階堂准教授が立案企画した『Diwali~インド光の祭典~』が開催されました。
On October 28th, the MCV hosted the Indian Cultural Event “Diwali –India’s Festival of Light-”. The event was proposed and made possible by Associate Professor Nikaido of the Faculty of Economics.
Associate Professor Nikaido invited Mr. Jagmohan S. Chandrani (President of the Indian Community of Edogawa (ICE)). Mr. Chandrani gave a talk on Indian Culture including Diwali, its diversity and the similarities between India and Japan.
Other special guests included:
-A company employee living in India
-A graduate of Musashi University, who served as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer at JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) in Fiji where 40% of the population is Indian.
The guests shared stories about their experience abroad.
Indian sweets and chai were served and enjoyed.
Participants learned about Hindi and Bollywood movies which are made in Mumbai.
It was a wonderful opportunity for us to experience Indian Culture.
Associate Professor Nikaido invited Mr. Jagmohan S. Chandrani (President of the Indian Community of Edogawa (ICE)). Mr. Chandrani gave a talk on Indian Culture including Diwali, its diversity and the similarities between India and Japan.
Other special guests included:
-A company employee living in India
-A graduate of Musashi University, who served as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer at JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) in Fiji where 40% of the population is Indian.
The guests shared stories about their experience abroad.
Indian sweets and chai were served and enjoyed.
Participants learned about Hindi and Bollywood movies which are made in Mumbai.
It was a wonderful opportunity for us to experience Indian Culture.

Journée Rencontre フランス人留学生との交流会(2013/10/22)
10月22日Musashi Communication Villageで『Journée Rencontre フランス人留学生との交流会』が開催されました。
MCV News!! French Event “Journée Rencontre – Cultural Exchange with the French exchange students -”
On October 22nd, we held a French Event “Journée Rencontre - Cultural Exchange with the French exchange students –“
Many students who were interested in learning French and the French exchange students joined this event. They enjoyed talking about their languages and cultures.
Students can experience using not only English but also French in the MCV.
For more information, please contact the MCV desk.
MCV News!! French Event “Journée Rencontre – Cultural Exchange with the French exchange students -”
On October 22nd, we held a French Event “Journée Rencontre - Cultural Exchange with the French exchange students –“
Many students who were interested in learning French and the French exchange students joined this event. They enjoyed talking about their languages and cultures.
Students can experience using not only English but also French in the MCV.
For more information, please contact the MCV desk.

Spring Festival(2013/4/25)


German and French Event(2012/12/13)



