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3/26(日)武蔵大学国際シンポジューム『日本と世界の長期経済停滞は新しい世界大恐慌の始まりか』をオンライン開催します。 Musashi Online International Symposium on Secular Stagnation as a New Great Depression: Japan and Beyond Part I


  • 日時:2023年3月26日(日)9:00~12:00
  • Date 9:00 to 12:00 (Japan time UTC+9) on26 March 2023
  • オンライン開催 Zoom Video Webinar
    • お申込み〆切:3月6日(月) ※お申込み多数の場合は抽選となります。
    • Deadline: 6 March 2023

This symposium revisits the phenomenon of Japanese capitalism in light of the fate of the North Atlantic and developing economies and places it in a longer historical political and geopolitical economy of capitalism from a variety of political and disciplinary perspectives. The presentations will deal with three topics that go to the heart of secular stagnation
  1. Japanese capitalism: It was once an admired model of miraculous growth with a relatively egalitarian distribution of income, fell into secular stagnation in the early 1990s. The phenomenon has since fascinated observers, provoked debates, provided policy advocates elsewhere with much grist for their policy mills, yielding a range of policy proposals, some of them mutually contradictory, and, most importantly, burdened an entire population, and particularly its young. Japan’s secular stagnation has raised new questions about policy difficulties on a range of fronts -- dramatically lowered growth rate, deteriorating labor conditions, rising class and gender inequality, a profound and many-faceted crisis of social reproduction and a deepening fiscal crisis of the state -- all of which have important international ramifications.
  2. Interest in and the importance of Japan’s secular stagnation: It grew rapidly after 2008 as many have sought to understand the economic malaise of the North Atlantic by analogy and comparison with all or parts of the Japanese condition, particularly its monetary policy.
  3. The meaning of secular stagnation beyond Japan at this stage of capitalism. Are the term, secular stagnation, and Japan’s experience, relevant to understanding deteriorating condition of capitalism in its homelands today? Are we facing a serious crisis like the Great Depression in the 1930s?

司会 (敬称略)Moderators

  • Nobuharu Yokokawa, Emeritus Professor, Musashi University, Japan
    Nobuharu Yokokawa, Emeritus Professor, Musashi University, Japan
  • Radhika Desai, Professor, University of Manitoba, Canada 
    Radhika Desai, Professor, University of Manitoba, Canada 

基調報告者 (敬称略)Keynote speakers

  • Robert Gordon, the Stanley G. Harris Professor of the Social Sciences at Northwestern University
    Robert Gordon, the Stanley G. Harris Professor of the Social Sciences at Northwestern University
  • Michael Hudson, Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri–Kansas City
    Michael Hudson, Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri–Kansas City
  • Minqi Li, Professor of Economics at the University of Utah
    Minqi Li, Professor of Economics at the University of Utah
  • David Kotz, Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Amherst
    David Kotz, Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Hiroshi Nishi, Professor, Hannan University
    Hiroshi Nishi, Professor, Hannan University
  • Thomas Palley. Former Senior Economic Adviser to the AFL-CIO
    Thomas Palley. Former Senior Economic Adviser to the AFL-CIO

プログラム Programme

9:00 – 9:10
開会のあいさつ Opening
Radhika Desai and Nobuharu Yokokawa
基調報告 Presentations
(1) Robert Gordon, “Innovation and Headwinds as Sources of U.S. Secular Stagnation”
(2) Michael Hudson, ”How the United States Ruined Japan: Lessons of the 1985 Plaza Accord and its Aftermath”
(3) Minqi Li, “Secular Stagnation and Fiscal Crisis in US and China”
(4) Hiroshi Nishi, “Sources of Productivity Growth: Is Japan Still Suffering from Baumol’s Disease?”
(5) Thomas Palley. “Keynes’ denial of conflict: why The General Theory is a misleading guide to capitalism and stagnation”
(6) David Kotz, “A Social Structure of Accumulation Theory of Secular Stagnation”


パネルディスカッション Round table
James Kenneth Galbraith (Professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs and at the Department of Government, University of Texas at Austin)
Alan Freeman (Co-director of the Geopolitical Economy Research Group, University of Manitoba, Canada)
Myles Carroll (Assistant Professor, Ochanomizu University)
閉会のあいさつ Closing
Closing Radhika Desai, and Nobuharu Yokokawa
Extra Discussion session with floor

お申込み・お問い合わせ Application

  • 使用言語
    • 英語 Language: English
  • 参加費
    • 無料
  • お申込み〆切
    • 3月6日(月) お申込み多数の場合は抽選となります。
    • Deadline:6 March 2023
※お申込みフォームの宛先は横川信治 教授になります

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