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3/21(日)武蔵大学国際シンポジューム『現代貨幣理論(Modern Monetary Theory) の批判的検討』をオンライン開催します。 Musashi Online International Symposium on Modern Monetary Theory

【日時】2021年3月21日(日)9:00~12:00 on 21 March 2021
  Date 9:00 to 12:00 (Japan time UTC+9) on 21 March 2021

オンライン開催  Zoom Video Webinar  
 お申込み〆切:3月12日(金) ※お申込み受付は終了しました。 Deadline: 12 March 2021

武蔵大学では、3月21日(日)に『現代貨幣理論(Modern Monetary Theory) の批判的検討』 と題して国際シンポジュームをオンライン開催します。現代貨幣理論(MMT)は現在最も注目され、議論の的となっている財政・金融・雇用政策理論です。MMTとミンスキーが提唱した「最後の雇い手」としての政府(雇用保障プログラム)の組み合わせで、階級不平等とジェンダー不平等とを同時に減少させる政策の可能性を検討します。このシンポジュームでは、MMTの核心に迫る次の3点を検討します。
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) has one indisputable achievement to its name: it threw down a challenge to mainstream Economics and forced it to respond, above all in the USA. This is a rare occurrence, almost unknown, for heterodox Economics during the last few decades. This symposium is based on the special issue of the Japanese Political Economy on MMT (Vol. 46-4, 2020). The presentations will deal with three topics that go to the heart of MMT.
(1) The rising popularity of MMT makes it imperative to consider its theoretical claims in-depth, since popularity does not necessarily equate to being right in theory. What will happen in the years to come as fiscal expenditure pushes public debt to enormous proportions in the pivotal countries of the world economy?
(2) It is imperative to consider MMT claims regarding fiscal and monetary policy in view of the implications of the pandemic crisis for public spending and public debt. Does a Job Guarantee act as a buffer ensuring price stability more effectively and with fewer social costs than the NAIRU?
(3) It is not accidental that the strongest support for MMT, in both theory and policy, is to be found in the USA, since its conclusions rely heavily on close institutional analysis of US government financing mechanisms. To what extent are these conclusions applicable elsewhere, even assuming that they hold for the USA? How far is the room for fiscal and monetary policy constrained by the fact that money is a relation of class both domestically and internationally?


Nobuharu Yokokawa,
Professor, Musashi University, Japan
Jayati Ghosh
Professor, JNU, India
Bob Rowthorn
Emeritus Professor, Cambridge University, UK

【基調報告者】(敬称略)Keynote speakers

Marc Lavoie
Emeritus Professor, the University of Ottawa, Canada
Gerald Epstein
Professor, University of Massachusetts, USA
Daniela MAGALHÃES Prates
Associate Professor, University of Campinas, Brazil
Esteban Pérez Caldentey
The Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Santiago, Chjile)
Costas Lapavitsas
Professor of economics at SOAS, University of London, UK


Radhika Desai
Professor, University of Manitoba, Canada
Makoto Nishibe
Professor, Senshu University, Japan
Makoto Itoh
Emeritus Professor,  The University of Tokyo, Japan


9:00 – 9:10 開会のあいさつ  Opening  Bob Rowthorn and Nobuharu Yokokawa
9:10-10:40 基調報告 Presentations
(1) Marc Lavoie, “Some limits to MMT.”
(2) Gerald Epstein "The International Limits on MMT: A Global Approach."
(3) Daniela MAGALHÃES Prates  "Beyond Modern Money Theory: a Post-Keynesian approach to the currency hierarchy, monetary sovereignty, and policy space."
(4) Esteban Pérez Caldentey,  “Modern Money Theory in the Tropics: Functional Finance and exchange rate adjustment in Developing Countries.”
(5) Costas Lapavitsas “Modern Monetary Theory on money, sovereignty, and policy: A Marxist critique with reference to the Eurozone and Greece.”
10:50-11:50 パネルディスカッション Round table
Discussants: Radhika Desai, Makoto Nishibe, and Makoto Itoh.
11:50-12:00 閉会のあいさつ Closing Jayati Ghosh and Nobuharu Yokokawa


英語 Language: English




横川信治 教授 
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 お申込み〆切:3月12日(金) ※お申込み受付は終了しました。  Deadline: 12 March 2021


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