ニュース一覧【MCV】English JAM in MCVを開催しました





【MCV】English JAM in MCVを開催しました

Update from Yu Narioka / English JAM
On May 21st English JAM held a collaborative event at the Musashi Communication Village. Participants enjoyed talking in English and also playing some games. Here is a list of activities that we had on that day.
Ice breaking We played ‘Bingo game’ to break the ice.
Tour session– We enjoyed a few games in tour (rotation) style.
・Stop the bus– A game where we think of some words starting from some alphabet letter we give.
・Monster box– A game where we describe what is in a box by feeing the item in the box.
・Simon says– A game where participants follow TA’s direction and move their body.
・Topic talk– We talk about a topic we selected.
We will be holding more fun events this year. Come and join us!! 
From MCV Office to English JAM
Participants enjoyed playing games. It was a good opportunity even for beginners to speak a lot of English. Thank you for holding a wonderful event.
English JAMとMCVは5月21日(木)にコラボレーションイベントを開催し、約50名の武蔵大学生と武蔵高校生・中学生の参加がありました。『Stop the bus』、『Simon says』などのいくつかのゲームを行い、参加者は楽しみながら英語に親しんでくれました。これからもこのようなイベントを開催する予定ですので、今回残念ながら来ることができなかった人もぜひお越しください。
(報告:成岡 優/ English JAM)
English JAMのTAのみなさん、準備から当日の運営までお疲れさまでした。

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